Picks Archive

  • Games can be good, bad, or some of both.  At LionFire Games, we are committed to the pursuit of making games that add meaning and value to people’s lives, while eliminating negative influences. 0

    Game Ethics Intro

    Games can be good, bad, or some of both.  At LionFire Games, we are committed to the pursuit of making games that add meaning and value to people’s lives, while eliminating negative influences.

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  • The road to creating a game is not an easy one. Sometimes it is interesting, as a programmer, or as an entrepreneur. At times I make things hard on myself, and often I learn how to do things better. This where I chronicle my efforts. 0

    My Dev Story – Intro

    The road to creating a game is not an easy one. Sometimes it is interesting, as a programmer, or as an entrepreneur. At times I make things hard on myself, and often I learn how to do things better. This where I chronicle my efforts.

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  • Introducing: Fortress Commander.  A new game that takes the hybrid of the casual relaxing fun of tower defense games and injects concepts from real time strategy games. 0

    Fortress Commander – In Development

    Introducing: Fortress Commander. A new game that takes the hybrid of the casual relaxing fun of tower defense games and injects concepts from real time strategy games.

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