- New win condition: Flux Streamer disrupts an enemy wormhole at a long distance. If successful, enemies will not be able to come through the wormhole. Use it like an energy transmitter, but point it at an enemy wormhole
- New hostile environment: Units that are near wormhole too long will quickly lose shields, and then slowly lose hitpoints.
- New UI: Circle showing wormhole health in units of “Flux” (purple)
- New gameplay: Multiple enemy wormholes now possible. Close them all to win.
- Data change (nonbreaking?): Created multiple options files, moved some options around. Unknown settings should be ignored without causing problems. (Default options location: C:\ProgramData\LionFire\ForCom\Data\AppSettings”)
Prerelease warning: This is an unfinished sneak peek release! It is not really playable and has a ton of bugs!